Ken the Kookaburra...
Ken's title of King of the Bush was earned through his residing on a large cattle station approximately 400 kilometres west of Byron Bay. His light-hearted sense of humour and melodious laughter make him an ideal companion in times of difficulty, while his plush chest and feathery wings provide an incredibly soft embrace.
Ken the Kookaburra from Nana Huchy is a soft, child-safe toy, designed for infants and toddlers ages 0 . With its smooth fabric and comforting design, this cuddly friend ensures safe and restful sleep. Perfect for snuggles and playtime, Ken is sure to become a treasured companion. |
Brand: Nana Huchy |
Dimensions: approx. 30 cm (22cm body 8cm tail) |
Age: Suitable for 0 |
Care: Gentle cold machine wash, do not tumble dry. |